In 2013, after 10 years in Eastern Europe, we began working in West Africa (Ghana and Sierra Leone). Despite the needs being different, the fundamentals were the same. Moreover, many of the general donations we receive ideally fitted the needs in that region, school books for example.
Thankfully, in West Africa decisions on projects are community based. Hence our rate of development has been rapid. Essential services such as Eye clinics, schools, hospitals have all been built, extended or modernised. In March 2022 we opened a home for abandoned children called The Xorladi Project. The second strand to our bow is the distribution of goods to schools, hospitals, and community groups. Numerous school books, hundreds of sewing machines, endless wheelchairs, incubators, to name but a few have been sent to West Africa. Most of these items, having outlived their life here in Ireland find a new lease of life helping change people’s situations for the better.
“How does education affect poverty? It can help end it.” Concern Worldwide US, August 27th, 2020
It is well documented that education can help lift people and indeed communities out of poverty.
According to a UNICEF report on education in Ghana, they found the “classes are overcrowded, water and sanitation facilities are limited and trained teachers and books are scarce”.
Owing to schools in Ireland having a huge turnover of books, desks, chairs and writing boards Crosscause has been able to collect, deliver and distribute endless amounts of these items to schools in Ghana. These practical items at the end of their life in Ireland, are treasured by the
teachers and pupils alike (but not as much as footballs and kits)!
Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness and reduced vision in Africa.
We have been involved in the treatment of cataracts and the supply of glasses and medication to hundreds of individuals in Ghana.
During 2019/2020 a much needed eye clinic was built and opened in Ghana. The Life For the Living Eye Clinic in Sokode-Gborgame, Ghana, is invaluable in the treatment of the many eye disorders and diseases in this region. All the specialist equipment including microscopes was donated in Ireland to Crosscause who ensured their safe delivery to the clinic.
Eye Clinic
Crosscause has now managed to extend its work further along the banks of the Volta River. We now donate to medical centres, numerous village clinics and even city hospitals. A special “Thank you” to the generosity of Irelands HSE (Health Service Executive) and practitioners, who often donate decommissioned but perfectly functioning equipment.
Lifesaving equipment such as ventilators and incubators have been distributed to larger city hospitals. Prior to donation, hospitals and clinics are visited in order to carry out an in-depth assessment. This is to ensure the items are distributed strategically in order to benefit as many patients as possible. Staff are also assessed and if needed, trained to operate such medical devices.
Fundamentals such as bandages and pain killers, which we take for granted, have been distributed in abundance to medical centres and clinics.
“The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”. World Health Organisation, Human Rights Day 2017.
With your continued support and generosity, we can make this happen.
A true favourite of our volunteers, this work gets right to the heart of the people and their communities.
We have dedicated and well-experienced teams on the ground who are able to quickly access the needs of the village/town. Sewing machines, wheelchairs, and canes for the blind are just some of the simple life-changing items we regularly offer to those in need.
Sanitation and access to drinking water are major issues in Ghana. Numerous villagers rely on communal latrines as many rural village households lack sanitation facilities. Crosscause carries out water supply work and toilet block construction which has greatly impacted on entire community’s health, wellbeing and dignity.
Community Groups
Xorladi project
After years of activity in Ghana, our volunteers were aware of how some children are marginalized in communities. When the time was right, a home was to be constructed for such kids, to live a joyful life without fear. In March 2022 this dream was fulfilled and we opened its doors to the neglected, disabled, and stigmatized. This was now their new home. The project is named after its “message”, a very small and ill girl called Xorladi. She was abandoned in a local hospital for one of the above reasons and cared for by us until her sad passing. Thanks to her impact, many kids will not suffer this faith.